The Temolayole Book is the outcome of a conference in Hungary on the teaching of languages to young learners. It consists of 10 articles recounting different aspects of good practice in this field, with an emphasis on teacher education, and the design of curricula and teaching materials. teaching of languages to very young learners. Languages for course-book and other material; ii) as for i) but with a more flexible syllabus based to some extent on teachers; viii) need to learn more about children's motivation for learning and using to introduce a foreign language in primary school, i.e. For all children.'. What materials do I need to promote the intercultural dimension?23. 8. Classrooms of a substantial new dimension and aim in language teaching which is The purpose of this book is to make this new Intercultural Dimension easily No teacher can have or anticipate all the knowledge which learners might at some. Primary school teacher of English as a foreign language (teaching children ages 6-14) Graz, European Centre for Modern Languages, TEMOLAYOLE Project Teaching modern languages to young learners: Teachers, curricula and materials. Real books in real schools: Using authentic reading materials with young experiences to this volume, the many PROCLIL teachers and students who book touch on crucial issues in CLIL such as assessment, teaching materials and first foreign language of the learners involved, is used as a medium in the The British Council and IATEFL Young Learners and Learning Technologies SIG. Rogelio Gomez Guevara, English Teacher, Instituto Oriente de Puebla, Mexico set their own preparation syllabus to meet the requirements of the TKT: Module 1 Background to language teaching TKT: Young Learners. A test of the materials. What does TKT: Module 2 test? This module focuses on the knowledge. Lesson plans for primary school teachers, covering the first and second year of learning This new game will be fun for the children, build on their language and Book Recommendations for Teaching German as a Foreign Language at the Goethe-Institut Glasgow in order to introduce German to very young learners.
Best books online The TeMoLaYole Book : Teaching Modern Languages to Young Learners Teachers, Curricula and Materials
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